Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Our homes are filled with sunshine, giggles, laughter, tears, family, chaos, Spiderman, HGTV, Blogs, Facebook, homework, matchbox cars, texting, dating (for some of us believe me, I have no patience for that anymore), e-mails, Bible studies, paint, laundry, gardening, Wii, soccer, baseball, mowing the lawn, paying the bills, counselling, the cat hair needs to be swept, counseling, (did I say laundry?), notice we didnt saying cooking, grandchildren....................

REST (in our spare time...)

We've experienced it all...

Walk through the doors of A Corner Cottage to find your inner sancturary among friends.

Our chaos is your inspiration....

Verses of Affirmation
create a quiet spirit in your soul                      
to linger throughout the year.


"In Your Easter Bonnet...."
           or is it
With Your Easter Handbag......

Fill your Easter Basket with unexpected Pretties........

Check out vintage furniture and more new product on Facebook...(Click on the "Facebook" sign to the right and it will take you directly there.)

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