Thursday, January 12, 2012

Friends, its that time again - The Times (wonderful local newspaper) is hosting its Reader's Choice Awards again. Ballots are online only If you see fit, we'd love to have your votes for any category you see fit. The paper says you can vote early and as many times as you want to. We always appreciate the attention you give us, so many thanks!

Remember to visit our Facebook & Twitter page for wonderful photos of the store! We update almost daily!!!!

We've been spit shining the shop and now we need to fill it with surprises for all of you! Off to Atlanta for the buying market tomorrow! Any wish lists from you? Let me know today. I'll think of all of you as I buy. 

Hugs always, Peggy

How about some before & After shots of some of our work we have been doing:

BEFORE: Cleared out for cleaning and painting!

AFTER: Filled back in with beautiful jewelry & accessories!