Now that the weather has been significantly cooler, we are all working in our garages and painting like crazy people. I love to change the shop with the seasons......we have many boxes of product arriving daily. Even we are surprised when we open the packages to price - we forget what we order! I know that sounds silly but if you could see the magnitude of the product waiting for us to purchase, you would be amazed. We come home from
Market with heads full of ideas, sore feet, aching backs, headaches, sinus infections from sleeping in hotels, and no money left! That's a party, girls!
Stay tuned, our shop is changing daily and sometimes every minute right now. Pay us a visit now that school has begun. You will like what you see, I am sure!
This darling shelf/desk could be used in the kitchen or perched in a corner of a teen's room. Lots of extra storage is always needed!
This floral/tropical chair will make you think of "vacation" no matter the time of year. Park it in a dim corner of your house and read that book that's been waiting for you.
Who would have thought two luggage stands could be repurposed so easily! You need this, so do I!
Have you ever seen such a nice, large mirror on a vanity? Dress up a room easily with this piece. This won't last long.
A great, ultra popular wooden cubby! Hang on the wall to hold so many treasures you can't count. Repurposed items are more popular than anything and this rustic item will do the trick in your home. Won't last long.
Oh, your extra bedroom needs a pair of authentically antique wooden twin beds. Just place a quilt over them and you will nestle easily into a nice little nap.
. How quaint is this? This red cabinet could hold your mini collections; small teacups and's up to you.
We hear from our customers that there are never enough cabinets to hold all their needs. This is not too big, but has lots of character. Fill this cabinet with china, use as a pantry, try folding linens and stacking them in it.
Close up view of black cabinet, there is beautiful detail on both cabinet doors.
Brad and Christine work so hard at keeping the "memories" of old Noblesville in stock. I don't know how they paint so quickly, but they know just what the Noblesville natives desire. Sneak a peek.
Roosters, cows and pigs, oh my! Barnyard animals and scenes were all over the Market this year. What fun they are. We've even been selling the more contemporary versions of this livestock. Imagine a pig canvas receiving so much attention. Who knew?
Inside our window display- Not For Sale
Inside Fair display window, Not For Sale
Inside Fair/ Farm Animals window
Inside Fair/ farm animal window
Recently our picture windows have caused cars to screech to a halt at the stoplight on S.R. #32. We have featured our Indiana Fairs and our last holiday to camp with the family. Come by and get in the mood for something besides work. We hope our fun windows make you smile!
Oh, the colors and the popularity of these snap watches......your child needs one of these for school!
More and more t-shirts are coming in daily. What delicious designs are imprinted on them! You will be the envy of all when wearing these delightful shirts. Coming soon - larger misses sizes. Thank you!
More items from our favorite artist! Magnets, canvases, travel mugs and notes. Always designed with all of us in mind.
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We update daily with all of our new goodies and special events, you don't want to miss out on all of our fantastic finds! :)
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We update daily with all of our new goodies and special events, you don't want to miss out on all of our fantastic finds! :)