Hello to all our dear friends!
I am loving this wonderfully cool weather as you know what that brings? Our holiday season which kicks off for us Nov. 6, 7 and 8. Our elves have been standing on their hands, heads, and crawling around on the floor as they price, clean, spitshine, collect, paint, holler, create, create, create. There is much to do and we are in the process so bear with us. I think I am ready to see the happy things this coming season brings. Everyday one customer says "why don't you have Christmas displayed yet?" and the very next customer will say, "why are you beginning to display Christmas items already?" So, we meet in the middle and settle on the first weekend of every November to begin our celebrations. Join us, please, as we never fail to surprise our friends. Dear Santa, please send more elves NOW!
This year we have teamed with Nancy Chance, Director of Hamilton County Good Samaritan Network, to help those who have fallen upon hard times. Nancy informed us that this year, above all other years, she is desperate for a little from everyone as many people who previously helped are in need themselves. Her numbers are growing, but her donations are not. So, we now have a huge red tub ready and willing to burst its seams with donations of grocery gift certificates, Walmart g.c., food, meat in a can, non perishables, gas g.c., clothing and toys for kids thru 15. Everything is tax deductible and the tub will be emptied on a weekly basis with the hopes that each week it becomes full. We have a massive list of Good Samaritan wants and needs, just ask us for a copy. The Hamilton restaurant, Picket Fence and Gymies of Cicero are all participating. Won't you at least consider dropping an item or two in our red tub each time you visit? The feeling this will give your heart will never ever fade, especially for the people on the receiving end. If you can give, please do.
Marsha is back! She did not leave her unbridled sense of humor at home either. Customers now think we are back to drinking on the job as we are usually in the midst of loud hee haws at something this woman says. Marsha's daughter is in the midst of her radiation treatments but handling them like a real pro and still working daily. Welcome back, Marsha's Madness - such a perfect name!
Once again we would like to thank all of you for your support of our shop especially during this hard, hard, year. Daily you give us energy, we swell with pride at your kind words of encouragement, we become part of your lives with deaths, births and illnesses, and you try to spend your hard earned money. People ask us everyday - "what can we do to make sure you stay here forever?" Our reply is and always will be: continue to support us with your comments both negative and positive, tell all your friends, spend a little money in the shop when you can, emotionally and physically give us strokes as we hope we do for you, tell us when we make a difference in your life as we hope we do everyday, and just continue the friendship. We know its been a hard year for you, too, and together we can make a difference. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. A Corner Cottage was put in my life at just the right time and through many trials and tribulations we have become a standard in this town and we aspire for the energy to never disappoint you.
Would you like to see some photos of the most wonderful items ever? Just take a look. Make sure you see Nancy's handcrafted tables and book shelves; Peggy's folk art painting - yes, she is painting again; Becky's finely crafted necklaces and charms; Joann's most-wanted vintage accessories; Marsha's new childrens' boots and raincoats; Jamie's Dad's hand welded tin and copper stars; Erin's delightfully simple dip and dessert masterpieces; Terry's Fun vintage fur coats; Connie's wonderful old accessories; Deb's one of a kind primitive stuffs; Erin W's hand created button and beaded jewelry; Sandy's wonderful cupboard. We will be placing photos on the blog as often as we can so you can see the changing furniture and accessories. You must see all these items in person so visit us soon.
Watch as we create magic once again this season, grab a hammer and hang a picture while you are here. We need those extra elves for sure!
Peggy and all the tremendous, tired elves